Daivajnya Brahmins (sonar’s or goldsmith’s), from the Sanskrit suvarnakar worker in gold .They are found all over the Deccan ,Konkan ,Karnataka and Kanara .It is a small community of not more than 10 lakh souls, spread all over the nation ,though sparsely.It is a ‘jaati’ within a much larger Konkani speaking Daivajnya community ,running into lakh’s and lakh’s ,still they proudly claim a galaxy of note worthy individuals who have contributed richly to the betterment of the global community.According to the modern researchers, they claim that Brahmins aroused from the sacred region between the river Saraswati and Drishdavati which came to be known as ‘BRAMHAVARTHA’ (2450 B.C to 1900 B.C), where the great thinkers of the time came to be classified as Brahmins. Thus among the Brahmin class the Daivajnya Brahmins uphold a unique culture and heritage which aims at enlightening the future.The daivajnya migration appears to have taken place some time at the end of 3rd century B.C from Punjab(Pancha Gouda Pradesh region)..jpg)
Religion ,Customs ,Traditions:
Daivajnya Brahmins are claimed as “SURYA VANSHI ARYA BRAHMAN’S”, as Lord Surya is one of the forms of Lord Vishnu, it is rightly said that Daivajnya Brahmins belong to the Vaishnav cult.
With regard to the Gokarna case, fought in 1927 .The Smarth Brahmin’s of Gokarna with a view that the Daivajnya Brahmins would take over the Puja authority at Gokarna ,filed a case against the Daivajnya Brahmins at Kumta court (22.10.1927).The case from Kumta court reached Karwar ,Bombay high court and has proved that Daivajnya Brahmins belong to the Vaishnava Brahmin cult . The then Bombay census chief Mr. Drew has recorded the Daivajnya Brahmins as top class Brahmins.
“7. The order of census department of 1981:3. Mr. drew, superintend of the census of Bombay has ordered that the Daivajnya should wrote as Daivajnya Brahmins in the census, return accordingly, they are reported in the Brahmin class in 1891.”
In the book “TRIBES AND CASTE OF BOMBAY” volume 3, page 338-344, edited by R.E. Enthoven:“SONAR’S:Religion: Sonar’s are followers both of the Vaishnava and Smartha sects. Those in Kanara are exclusively Vaishnavas of the Madhwa School. They worship all the ordinary gods and goddesses. Those who claim Brahmin rank observe the Brahmin Sanskars. In some places, notably in Bombay, they have priests of their own caste, but many employ local Brahmans also the Kanara Sonars have three temples of their own at which Sunkeri and Kadwad , ministrants at which are Sonars . The spiritual head of the Kanara Sonars is the Swamy of Sonda, one of the eight Mathas of Udupi”.
Daivajnya Brahmins (sonar’s or goldsmith’s), from the Sanskrit suvarnakar worker in gold .They are found all over the Deccan ,Konkan ,Karnataka and Kanara .It is a small community of not more than 10 lakh souls, spread all over the nation ,though sparsely.It is a ‘jaati’ within a much larger Konkani speaking Daivajnya community ,running into lakh’s and lakh’s ,still they proudly claim a galaxy of note worthy individuals who have contributed richly to the betterment of the global community.According to the modern researchers, they claim that Brahmins aroused from the sacred region between the river Saraswati and Drishdavati which came to be known as ‘BRAMHAVARTHA’ (2450 B.C to 1900 B.C), where the great thinkers of the time came to be classified as Brahmins. Thus among the Brahmin class the Daivajnya Brahmins uphold a unique culture and heritage which aims at enlightening the future.The daivajnya migration appears to have taken place some time at the end of 3rd century B.C from Punjab(Pancha Gouda Pradesh region).
Religion ,Customs ,Traditions:
Daivajnya Brahmins are claimed as “SURYA VANSHI ARYA BRAHMAN’S”, as Lord Surya is one of the forms of Lord Vishnu, it is rightly said that Daivajnya Brahmins belong to the Vaishnav cult.
With regard to the Gokarna case, fought in 1927 .The Smarth Brahmin’s of Gokarna with a view that the Daivajnya Brahmins would take over the Puja authority at Gokarna ,filed a case against the Daivajnya Brahmins at Kumta court (22.10.1927).The case from Kumta court reached Karwar ,Bombay high court and has proved that Daivajnya Brahmins belong to the Vaishnava Brahmin cult . The then Bombay census chief Mr. Drew has recorded the Daivajnya Brahmins as top class Brahmins.
“7. The order of census department of 1981:3. Mr. drew, superintend of the census of Bombay has ordered that the Daivajnya should wrote as Daivajnya Brahmins in the census, return accordingly, they are reported in the Brahmin class in 1891.”
In the statement at the Gokarna case, the 33rd pontiff Shri Vishwadeesha Theertha of Sri Sode Vadiraja Mutt has described Daivajnya Brahmins as Mukhamasita Surya Vanshi Brahmins.At Hosakeri village near Gokarna, the pontiff of Sode Mutt use to halt at the residence of Burde who was the village Patel (chieftain) of Hosakeri.
With refrence, the proof of the letter written by the pontiff is as follows:
Shree Swasthi Srimad Udupi Sri Sonde Mutt Sri Vadiraja Guru Peetharoodha Srimad Vishwadheesha Thirtha Padangalauru .Warm wishes to the Midaje Sime Gokarna shetgar Sanu,Mahabal shetti, Budhiwantha Subraya shetti ,Adigona shettigar ,Ram shetti, Durga shetti ,Shamanna shetti , Hosakeri Sham Appu shetti, Krishna Subraya shetti. We are at the Admanandana Samvatsara Vaishaka Shudha and under penance, deeply busy with the Puja of Srimad Vadiraja, Shri Krishna, Sri Boovaraha ,Sri Hayagreeva and at the residence of shri Burde at Hosakeri. In respect, this is to inform you that you are Mukhamasitha Daivajnya Suvarnakar Surya Brahmin, and attain the right of performing Yajna Karma and Shatkarma rituals . We may able to make you satisfy by giving records of your existence in the Rigveda Purusha sukta ,Agni purana ,Skanda Purana, Manu Smrithi ,and Dharma Shastra etc.-Daivajna vedamurthi Narayana Shanker BhattaGuddekagal taluk ,Kumta.
- In the book “CASTES AND TRIBES OF SOUTHERN INDIA” authored by Edgar Thrustan has recorded as:“SONAR:The Sonar or Sonegar’s of south as a gold smith caste, who speak Konkani, which is a dialect of Marathi, and are believed to have come from Goa, the community at each station has one or two Mukhtesars or headmen, who enquire into, and settle the caste affairs. Serious offences are reported to the Swamy of Sonde, who has authority to excommunicate or to inflict heavy fines. They wear the sacred thread. Marriages within the same Gothras are strictly prohibited .Most of them are Vaishnavities, but a few follow Shiva.”
- In the book namely “UTTAR KANNADA DISTRICT GAZETTER” edited by Suryanath Kamath record thus:“SONAR: the Sonar or Sonegar’s are originally from Goa . They call themselves as Daivajnya brahmin’s or Suvarnakar’s. They worship Hayagreeva of Sonda and belong to Madhwa Sampradaya. They are followers of vadiraja matha of sonda”.
- In the book “GAZETEER OF THE BOMBAY PRESIDENCY”-KANARA DISTRICT, 1883, volume 15, part 1 records thus:“SONAR or GOLDSMITH’S: Numbering 10,158, of whom 5020 are males and 5138 females, are found in small numbers in almost all towns and large villages. They are said to have come from Goa on its conquest by the Portuguese in 1510.They call themselves Daivajnya Brahmins or astrologers from the Sanskrit ‘Daiv’ fate and ‘Jnya’ to know . They are said to belong to the Vatsa ,Kaundanya , Vishwamitra ,Bharadhwaj ,and Kaushik Gotras or family stocks. They are middle-sized, fair and delicate, and speak a some what peculiar Konkani, using ‘z’ instead of ‘j’. Both men and women dress like ‘Konkanasth Brahmans’. Their family gods and goddess are Mahalsa ,Shantadurga of Kavle, whose original temple is at Madadol ,they also worship the ordinary Brahman and village deities and keep local holidays . They are Vaishnavas and have as their teacher Sri Vadiraj Swami, the head of the Vaishnav Monastry of Udupi in South Kanara. They pay him large sums which are Gurukanike or presents to the teacher, and in return have their breasts and shoulders marked with hot metal seals bearing Vishnus the Shankha or conch, the Chakra or disc, the Gada or mace and Padma or lotus. Their boys are gift with the sacred thread between eight and twelve and their girls are married before ten. In Goa and Karwar they have family priests or Purohits of their own caste, in other places they employ Havik or Karhada Brahmins and show them much reverence”
In the book “TRIBES AND CASTE OF BOMBAY” volume 3, page 338-344, edited by R.E. Enthoven:“SONAR’S:Religion: Sonar’s are followers both of the Vaishnava and Smartha sects. Those in Kanara are exclusively Vaishnavas of the Madhwa School. They worship all the ordinary gods and goddesses. Those who claim Brahmin rank observe the Brahmin Sanskars. In some places, notably in Bombay, they have priests of their own caste, but many employ local Brahmans also the Kanara Sonars have three temples of their own at which Sunkeri and Kadwad , ministrants at which are Sonars . The spiritual head of the Kanara Sonars is the Swamy of Sonda, one of the eight Mathas of Udupi”.
- Even today the Daivajnya Brahmins follow the Vaishnav Sampradaya in their Sandhyavandana. At Goa, there are the principal deities of Daivajnya Brahmins which are of Shiva and Shakti cult, truly Shiva is one of the different forms of Vishnu and the Vishnu Purusha Roopa is in the form of a Linga, which is a historic fact in the Purana’s (Epic’s) .
- Daivajnya Brahmins follow the “Saptha Rishi” (seven sages) Gotras as follows: Atri, Kashyap, Gauthama , jamadagni, bharadwaj, vashishta, and vishwamitra along with agastya gotra are in use.
Distinction between Daivajnya Brahmins and Vishwakarma Brahmins
Daivajnya Brahmins belong to the Suryavanshi Aryan race and are totally different from Vishwakarma Brahmins in terms of their culture, language, and heritage and in different aspects. Since the beginning of the 20th century a misconception has been spread that Daivajnya Brahmins are originally belonged to the Vishwakarma Brahmins class and they are derived by “VISHWAJNYA” who is one of the five sons of the god Vishwakarma. But this is an entirely wrong and baseless conception.
lord vishwakarma maharshi
Daivajnya Brahmins belong to the Suryavanshi Aryan race and are totally different from Vishwakarma Brahmins in terms of their culture, language, and heritage and in different aspects. Since the beginning of the 20th century a misconception has been spread that Daivajnya Brahmins are originally belonged to the Vishwakarma Brahmins class and they are derived by “VISHWAJNYA” who is one of the five sons of the god Vishwakarma. But this is an entirely wrong and baseless conception.

(the originator of vishwabrahmins and not daivajnya brahmins)
Daivajnya Brahmins and Vishwakarma Brahmins belonged to different races, which have belonged to the Vedic period. Daivajnya Brahmins purely belong to the Suryavanshi Aryan race that performed the yajnas and other ritual duties at the period of Rig-Veda, on the banks of the rivers Saraswati-Drishdawati which was called “Bramhavartha”, at the region of Punjab and Haryana of today and in the course of time some of those Aryans migrated to southward after following the river Saraswathi.Of course, there is no doubt that Vishwakarma Brahmins also belonged to the Vedic period and they have their own heritage and culture of the ancient period. There is lot of descriptions of Virata Swaroopa (Mammoth feature) of the god Vishwakarma in the sacred books; rigveda, Nagarakhanda, Skanda purana, Matsya purana and in the epic Mahabharatha.
In Taitiriya Shruthi Pancha Brahmopanishad regarding the Virata Swaroopa of the god Vishwakarma is like this –
“Vishwakarmana Vrittadhani/ Teneivana Pratishthani /Panchamukhebhyah Panchashirsho MANU Prathamah/MAYO Dwitiyah, TRISHTA Tritiyah, SHILPI Chaturthah,VISHWAJNA Panchamah/ iti severko vidhiyate/ Sanagaha, Sanatanobhoonah Pratnah, Suparna Shchetyate Sarve Gotra Purushah Prakriteshtadyadya”.
Meaning: “Among the five faces of the lord Vishwakarma, MANU, who has come out by the first face, he was followed by MAYA, who has come out through the second face, then TWASHTA, who has come out by the third face, SHILPI, who has come out by the fourth face and lastly VISHWAJNYA has come out. These are known as five MOOLA PURUSHAS of five arts respectively on iron, wood, bronze, stone carving and gold. They also started the five gotras among the followers of Vishwakarma viz. Sanaga (MANU), Sanathana (MAYA), Ahabhoona (TWASHTA), Pratna (SHILPI), and Suparna (VISHWAJNA).
13th shlokha, fifth chapter of Nagarkhandha of the Skandapurana says –“Manurmayaschatwashta cha Shilpi Vishwajna Evacha Panchatai Devarushyo Vishwakarma Mukhodbhava”. Meaning: MANU, MAYA, TWASHTA, SHILPI and VISHWAJNA these five saints were derived by the faces of the lord Vishwakarma”.
The 48th Shlokha of “Sri Vishwakarmanvya Pradeepika”,written by Varaha Narasimhacharya says: “Ayasi cha mano kashti mayasya khalu kanaski. Twashta shaili Shilpino vai Vishwajna sya tu Kanchani”.Meaning: MANU relates to the iron work, MAYA for the wooden work, TWASHTA for the bronze, SHILPI for the stone carving and VISHWAJNA for the gold work.
With the reference of the old Sanskrit literature there is no use of the word “Daivajnya” instead of Vishwajnya as the alternative .but since the beginning of the 20th century some of the writers have used the “Daivajnya” word as the alternative word for ‘Vishwajnya’ on their own accord . This wrong conception has been continued and developed that ‘Daivajnya’ and ‘Vishwajnya’ are the alternative words which come under the Vishwakarma culture. ”Daivajnya” is purely independent word which was used for the Suryavanshi Aryans of Vedic culture who were performing the yajnas and other ritual duties concerned to the Jyothishya Shastra (Astrology) which is one of the six Vedangas . “Daivajnya” means one who knows the “DAIVA” (‘FATE’ or GOD OF FORTUNE) that is “VIDHI”.
Since the days of the Vedas, Shruthi and Sutra Vishwakarma Brahmins are known as RATHAKARA or PANCHALA Brahmins –who do the works with gold, iron, bronze, wood and stone . Since the olden days they have been respected Brahmins for these five arts. In constructing the temples, preparing the idols, and Vidhi-mantras of the Pratishtapana of the idols they play the sacred role. The words ‘RATHAKARA’ or ‘PANCHALA’, do not apply to the Daivajnya Brahmins.
Beside all these things Vishwakarma Brahmins have their own sacred mutt’s and Guru-Peetha’s since many centuries. But Daivajnya Brahmins are not followers of these mutt’s. In the beginning of the 12th century a great miracle person named, MURUJAVI CHIKKESHWARASWAMI took birth in vishwakarma family and led them in spiritual way. Even today Vishwakarma Brahmins are worshipping him as their Jagadguru. But Daivajnya Brahmins are not followers of him. Since the old on day as Vishwakarma Brahmins have been influenced by the KALAMUKHA Sampradaya . Of course Daivajnya Brahmins have never been influenced by the Kalamukha Sampradaya.
The tradition of Gothras is different among Daivajnya Brahmins and Vishwakarma Brahmins. Daivajnya Brahmins are followers of ‘Sapta Rishi Gothras’(Seven Sages)among them Atri, Vashishta, Kashyapa, Gauthama, Bharadwaj, Vishwamitra, Jamadagni and Agasthya , these are the eight main Gotra Pravaras. Beside of these there are additional Gothra Pravartakas. But among Vishwakarma Brahmins Sanaga , Sanathana, Ahabhuna, Pratna, Suparna these five are main Gotras . Among them also some additional Gothra Pravaras are present.
Since 5th century A.D, Daivajnya Brahmins have been using Konkani language as their spoken language which was derived by Prakrith Apabhransha language developed by Sanskrit language. But Konkani is not spoken language among the vishwakarma Brahmins. They speak the regional languages wherever they have been settled down. E.g. those are in Maharashtra use Marathi, in Andra Pradesh use Telegu, in Karnataka use kannada, in Tamilnadu use Tamil like so this matter of mother tongue also helps us to justify the social and cultural differences between the two classes.
As the Daivajnya Brahmin migrated from Saurashtra and finally settled down in Goa- western coast permanently in 7th-8th century, they continued their gold and silver smithy occupation for their livelihood and lead the peaceful and prosperous life in Goa till the invasion of Portuguese in 1510 A.D. According to their Vedic culture and heritage they established the temples of lord Vishnu, Shiva, Durga devi (Shakti devi –Kalika devi) and Nagadevatha (God of serpent). Daivajnya Brahmins of the different Gotras began to worship different of these gods as their Kuladevathas (family deities).
According to the name of the place of the particular Kuladevatha, the Kulavi (follower) began to use the name of that place as the surname (family name) after adding “Kar” ,suffix ,viz, those were dwelled in “Verna”-“Vernekar” those were dwelled in “Rai” village “Raikar” , those were at “Revana” village “Revankar” like so “Shet” (Apabrhransha word of Sanskrit SRESHTA) is common surname for Daivajnya Brahmins which was started while they were in Saurashtra . For the class those are practicing the ritual deeds they use the word, BHAT as the surname. But among the Vishwakarma Brahmins there are different surnames as Acharya, Dixit, Mahamuni, Ksheerasagar, Vedapathak, Advani, Stapathi etc. “Acharya” is the common surname among them.There is no either matrimonial or cultural relationship between these two races. Even there are some differences in ritual activities of the both.
Vishwakarma Brahmins believe the fifth Veda – PRANAVA VEDA but Daivajnya Brahmins do not. Vishwakarma Brahmins have been worshipping the Kalika devi as their main deity but Daivajnya Brahmins have been worshipping the lord Vishnu (Laxmi narayan) , Sri Hayagreeva diety of Sode Vadiraj Mutt, Shiva, Durga –Shakti devi, Kalika devi ,Nagadevatha as their sacred gods since age long.
With these all references we can prove that these both races are basically belonged to the different races. There is no evidence which can prove any type of inter relationship between these two races except gold smithy occupation. Among the vishwakarma Brahmins the decedents of VISHWAJNYA are practicing the gold smithy on their own accord and heritage. Daivajnya Brahmins are practicing the gold smithy on their own heritage. This occupation of the both is not interrelated at any respect. Hence further we have to get rid off all the misconceptions regarding this matter.
Daivajnya Brahmins and Vishwakarma Brahmins belonged to different races, which have belonged to the Vedic period. Daivajnya Brahmins purely belong to the Suryavanshi Aryan race that performed the yajnas and other ritual duties at the period of Rig-Veda, on the banks of the rivers Saraswati-Drishdawati which was called “Bramhavartha”, at the region of Punjab and Haryana of today and in the course of time some of those Aryans migrated to southward after following the river Saraswathi.Of course, there is no doubt that Vishwakarma Brahmins also belonged to the Vedic period and they have their own heritage and culture of the ancient period. There is lot of descriptions of Virata Swaroopa (Mammoth feature) of the god Vishwakarma in the sacred books; rigveda, Nagarakhanda, Skanda purana, Matsya purana and in the epic Mahabharatha.
In Taitiriya Shruthi Pancha Brahmopanishad regarding the Virata Swaroopa of the god Vishwakarma is like this –
“Vishwakarmana Vrittadhani/ Teneivana Pratishthani /Panchamukhebhyah Panchashirsho MANU Prathamah/MAYO Dwitiyah, TRISHTA Tritiyah, SHILPI Chaturthah,VISHWAJNA Panchamah/ iti severko vidhiyate/ Sanagaha, Sanatanobhoonah Pratnah, Suparna Shchetyate Sarve Gotra Purushah Prakriteshtadyadya”.
Meaning: “Among the five faces of the lord Vishwakarma, MANU, who has come out by the first face, he was followed by MAYA, who has come out through the second face, then TWASHTA, who has come out by the third face, SHILPI, who has come out by the fourth face and lastly VISHWAJNYA has come out. These are known as five MOOLA PURUSHAS of five arts respectively on iron, wood, bronze, stone carving and gold. They also started the five gotras among the followers of Vishwakarma viz. Sanaga (MANU), Sanathana (MAYA), Ahabhoona (TWASHTA), Pratna (SHILPI), and Suparna (VISHWAJNA).
13th shlokha, fifth chapter of Nagarkhandha of the Skandapurana says –“Manurmayaschatwashta cha Shilpi Vishwajna Evacha Panchatai Devarushyo Vishwakarma Mukhodbhava”. Meaning: MANU, MAYA, TWASHTA, SHILPI and VISHWAJNA these five saints were derived by the faces of the lord Vishwakarma”.
The 48th Shlokha of “Sri Vishwakarmanvya Pradeepika”,written by Varaha Narasimhacharya says: “Ayasi cha mano kashti mayasya khalu kanaski. Twashta shaili Shilpino vai Vishwajna sya tu Kanchani”.Meaning: MANU relates to the iron work, MAYA for the wooden work, TWASHTA for the bronze, SHILPI for the stone carving and VISHWAJNA for the gold work.
With the reference of the old Sanskrit literature there is no use of the word “Daivajnya” instead of Vishwajnya as the alternative .but since the beginning of the 20th century some of the writers have used the “Daivajnya” word as the alternative word for ‘Vishwajnya’ on their own accord . This wrong conception has been continued and developed that ‘Daivajnya’ and ‘Vishwajnya’ are the alternative words which come under the Vishwakarma culture. ”Daivajnya” is purely independent word which was used for the Suryavanshi Aryans of Vedic culture who were performing the yajnas and other ritual duties concerned to the Jyothishya Shastra (Astrology) which is one of the six Vedangas . “Daivajnya” means one who knows the “DAIVA” (‘FATE’ or GOD OF FORTUNE) that is “VIDHI”.
Since the days of the Vedas, Shruthi and Sutra Vishwakarma Brahmins are known as RATHAKARA or PANCHALA Brahmins –who do the works with gold, iron, bronze, wood and stone . Since the olden days they have been respected Brahmins for these five arts. In constructing the temples, preparing the idols, and Vidhi-mantras of the Pratishtapana of the idols they play the sacred role. The words ‘RATHAKARA’ or ‘PANCHALA’, do not apply to the Daivajnya Brahmins.
Beside all these things Vishwakarma Brahmins have their own sacred mutt’s and Guru-Peetha’s since many centuries. But Daivajnya Brahmins are not followers of these mutt’s. In the beginning of the 12th century a great miracle person named, MURUJAVI CHIKKESHWARASWAMI took birth in vishwakarma family and led them in spiritual way. Even today Vishwakarma Brahmins are worshipping him as their Jagadguru. But Daivajnya Brahmins are not followers of him. Since the old on day as Vishwakarma Brahmins have been influenced by the KALAMUKHA Sampradaya . Of course Daivajnya Brahmins have never been influenced by the Kalamukha Sampradaya.
The tradition of Gothras is different among Daivajnya Brahmins and Vishwakarma Brahmins. Daivajnya Brahmins are followers of ‘Sapta Rishi Gothras’(Seven Sages)among them Atri, Vashishta, Kashyapa, Gauthama, Bharadwaj, Vishwamitra, Jamadagni and Agasthya , these are the eight main Gotra Pravaras. Beside of these there are additional Gothra Pravartakas. But among Vishwakarma Brahmins Sanaga , Sanathana, Ahabhuna, Pratna, Suparna these five are main Gotras . Among them also some additional Gothra Pravaras are present.
Since 5th century A.D, Daivajnya Brahmins have been using Konkani language as their spoken language which was derived by Prakrith Apabhransha language developed by Sanskrit language. But Konkani is not spoken language among the vishwakarma Brahmins. They speak the regional languages wherever they have been settled down. E.g. those are in Maharashtra use Marathi, in Andra Pradesh use Telegu, in Karnataka use kannada, in Tamilnadu use Tamil like so this matter of mother tongue also helps us to justify the social and cultural differences between the two classes.
As the Daivajnya Brahmin migrated from Saurashtra and finally settled down in Goa- western coast permanently in 7th-8th century, they continued their gold and silver smithy occupation for their livelihood and lead the peaceful and prosperous life in Goa till the invasion of Portuguese in 1510 A.D. According to their Vedic culture and heritage they established the temples of lord Vishnu, Shiva, Durga devi (Shakti devi –Kalika devi) and Nagadevatha (God of serpent). Daivajnya Brahmins of the different Gotras began to worship different of these gods as their Kuladevathas (family deities).
According to the name of the place of the particular Kuladevatha, the Kulavi (follower) began to use the name of that place as the surname (family name) after adding “Kar” ,suffix ,viz, those were dwelled in “Verna”-“Vernekar” those were dwelled in “Rai” village “Raikar” , those were at “Revana” village “Revankar” like so “Shet” (Apabrhransha word of Sanskrit SRESHTA) is common surname for Daivajnya Brahmins which was started while they were in Saurashtra . For the class those are practicing the ritual deeds they use the word, BHAT as the surname. But among the Vishwakarma Brahmins there are different surnames as Acharya, Dixit, Mahamuni, Ksheerasagar, Vedapathak, Advani, Stapathi etc. “Acharya” is the common surname among them.There is no either matrimonial or cultural relationship between these two races. Even there are some differences in ritual activities of the both.
Vishwakarma Brahmins believe the fifth Veda – PRANAVA VEDA but Daivajnya Brahmins do not. Vishwakarma Brahmins have been worshipping the Kalika devi as their main deity but Daivajnya Brahmins have been worshipping the lord Vishnu (Laxmi narayan) , Sri Hayagreeva diety of Sode Vadiraj Mutt, Shiva, Durga –Shakti devi, Kalika devi ,Nagadevatha as their sacred gods since age long.
With these all references we can prove that these both races are basically belonged to the different races. There is no evidence which can prove any type of inter relationship between these two races except gold smithy occupation. Among the vishwakarma Brahmins the decedents of VISHWAJNYA are practicing the gold smithy on their own accord and heritage. Daivajnya Brahmins are practicing the gold smithy on their own heritage. This occupation of the both is not interrelated at any respect. Hence further we have to get rid off all the misconceptions regarding this matter.

Gotra is known as groups. They follow the Rig Vedic sages. These Sapta Rishis were the ancestral sages of the Daivajnya community and performed the Vedic sanskar’s in their pleasant holy atmospheric villages known as Rishi Vana’s and used to perform Yajnyas and other puja’s to get the boons from god and goddesses and ornaments that adorned gods and goddesses were made by them. The Daivajnya Brahmins also lived in this Rishi Vana and practiced the eight (Ashtadhikara Shastra) namely Jotishya, Boogola sthithi , Ganitha siddhantha , Hoora shastra, Shakuna samhitha, Swarna shastra , Shilpa Koushalya shastra .Daivajnya Gurukul Rishi Parampara was a spiritual guidance to the community members .The Gurukul Parampara lasted on for several centuries .
Daivajnya Brahmins have common surname (family name) as “SHET”. Which has an in depth legend of about 2000 years. The ancestors of Daivajnya Brahmin Samaj stayed in saurashtra, they were called as “SRESHTA”, and at the Apabransh period that word became “Shet”. ‘Shet’ is derived ‘Shreshta’ – Sanskrit word.
Some of the Daivajnya Brahmin surnames are as follows:
1. Shet
2. Raikar
3. Revankar
4. Shirodkar
5. Pauskar
6. Anvekar
7. Palankar
8. Bhandodkar
9. Pednekar
10. Kagalkar
11. Bhatta
12. Kimsen
13. Samsigkar
14. Gaunkar1
5. Sejkan
16. Burde
17. Mankame
18. Mahimkar
19. Kagal
20. Suvarna
21. Nellurkar
22. Sagwadkar
23. Rangapur
24. Lotlikar
25. Uplekar
26. Malsakar
27. Yelankar
28. Laxmipur
29. Haldankar
30. Mardolkar
31. Vittalkar
32. Jammane
33. Bidnolikar
34. Borgaunkar
35. Nethalkar
36. Vernekar
37. Bandodkar
38. Jodankar
39. Malnikar
40. Shiralli
41. Baskadkar
42. Shirvadkar
43. Karekar
44. Herakar
45. Mallan
46. Kolekar
47. Bullan
48. Kollai
49. Gal puja
50. Tekur
51. Sanu
52. Betgiri
53. Jannu
54. Angade
55. Kimsan
56. Diwakar
57. Neelavar
58. Anvati
59. Kallagi
60. Pandit
61. Adonkar
62. Dadikar
63. Totlikar
64. Rao
65. Mindolkar
66. Harehakar
67. Kamali
68. Vedpatankar
69. Kambadkone
70. Suvarnakar
71. Talebailkar
72. Agnashinikar
73. Gokarnakar
74. Sommanikar
75. Anchanikar
76. Byndoor
77. Salgaunkar
78. Sangodkar
79. Madikar
80. Balgi
81. Kurdekar
82. Kolwekar
83. Baudakar
84. Pinchen
85. Chodankar
86. Bhurke
87. Potdar
88. Kudalkar
89. Nachinolkar
90. Murkute
Gotra is known as groups. They follow the Rig Vedic sages. These Sapta Rishis were the ancestral sages of the Daivajnya community and performed the Vedic sanskar’s in their pleasant holy atmospheric villages known as Rishi Vana’s and used to perform Yajnyas and other puja’s to get the boons from god and goddesses and ornaments that adorned gods and goddesses were made by them. The Daivajnya Brahmins also lived in this Rishi Vana and practiced the eight (Ashtadhikara Shastra) namely Jotishya, Boogola sthithi , Ganitha siddhantha , Hoora shastra, Shakuna samhitha, Swarna shastra , Shilpa Koushalya shastra .Daivajnya Gurukul Rishi Parampara was a spiritual guidance to the community members .The Gurukul Parampara lasted on for several centuries .
Daivajnya Brahmins have common surname (family name) as “SHET”. Which has an in depth legend of about 2000 years. The ancestors of Daivajnya Brahmin Samaj stayed in saurashtra, they were called as “SRESHTA”, and at the Apabransh period that word became “Shet”. ‘Shet’ is derived ‘Shreshta’ – Sanskrit word.
Some of the Daivajnya Brahmin surnames are as follows:
1. Shet
2. Raikar
3. Revankar
4. Shirodkar
5. Pauskar
6. Anvekar
7. Palankar
8. Bhandodkar
9. Pednekar
10. Kagalkar
11. Bhatta
12. Kimsen
13. Samsigkar
14. Gaunkar1
5. Sejkan
16. Burde
17. Mankame
18. Mahimkar
19. Kagal
20. Suvarna
21. Nellurkar
22. Sagwadkar
23. Rangapur
24. Lotlikar
25. Uplekar
26. Malsakar
27. Yelankar
28. Laxmipur
29. Haldankar
30. Mardolkar
31. Vittalkar
32. Jammane
33. Bidnolikar
34. Borgaunkar
35. Nethalkar
36. Vernekar
37. Bandodkar
38. Jodankar
39. Malnikar
40. Shiralli
41. Baskadkar
42. Shirvadkar
43. Karekar
44. Herakar
45. Mallan
46. Kolekar
47. Bullan
48. Kollai
49. Gal puja
50. Tekur
51. Sanu
52. Betgiri
53. Jannu
54. Angade
55. Kimsan
56. Diwakar
57. Neelavar
58. Anvati
59. Kallagi
60. Pandit
61. Adonkar
62. Dadikar
63. Totlikar
64. Rao
65. Mindolkar
66. Harehakar
67. Kamali
68. Vedpatankar
69. Kambadkone
70. Suvarnakar
71. Talebailkar
72. Agnashinikar
73. Gokarnakar
74. Sommanikar
75. Anchanikar
76. Byndoor
77. Salgaunkar
78. Sangodkar
79. Madikar
80. Balgi
81. Kurdekar
82. Kolwekar
83. Baudakar
84. Pinchen
85. Chodankar
86. Bhurke
87. Potdar
88. Kudalkar
89. Nachinolkar
90. Murkute
ReplyDeleteAppreciate if you could mention the source s